What is so special about the E-MOR Generator // Text // ELECTRONICALLY,by using the E-MOR Generator, which, given sufficient voltage (5 to 8.5 volts), duration (7 minutes) and at a 2500 hertz frequency, which is repeated three times with an interval of about 10 minutes, will kill all bacteria, viruses, worms, fungi and parasites simultaneously. By ... // Biofeedback, Biofeedback Instruments and Biofeedback Training - The IPN
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A revolutionary Technology
What is so special about the E-MOR Generator

ELECTRONICALLY,by using the E-MOR Generator, which, given sufficient voltage (5 to 8.5 volts), duration (7 minutes) and at a 2500 hertz frequency, which is repeated three times with an interval of about 10 minutes, will kill all bacteria, viruses, worms, fungi and parasites simultaneously. By using electronic and herbal treatment is the best way to eliminate parasites. Symptoms of parasites include: constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, skin conditions, allergies, sleeping problems, joint and muscle aches and pains, nervousness, granulomas, anemia, teeth grinding, chronic fatigue and other problems of the immune system.

The E-MOR Generator is a further development of the socalled Zapper per Dr. H. R. Clark. The original Zapper works in the frequency range of about 30 kHz. Latest research showed, that the effectiveness of the generator can be greatly enhanced at a frequency of 2500 Hz. This new E-MOR Generator also has a better battery life than the original Zapper.


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by CABAN Sebastian