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Nervous System and Brain Dominance
the connection between the nervous system and brain dominance

Thesympathetic dominantPerson is usually a left brain dominant type:

This type of person is usually under stress, has high blood pressure and headaches. They suffer from unrest, nervousness, wet hands, have problems concentrating, have problems falling asleep because of overactivity, have heart and circulation problems. In acute stress situations they react with a temper and become agressive, and begin to yell. They also very quickly get into a panic mode. This type of person needs to learn to relax, using one of the relaxation trainings. The overactivity should be balanced with a long relaxing vacation (not an activity vacation). Sauna and massage would be very helpful. Contemplative walks in free nature should be done on a more frequent basis.

Helpful animals to have around are cats, fish, any animal of a quiet nature.

Rule for the sympathetic dominant person:

  • Do not get excited about little things!
  • Life consists of only little things!!

The sympathetic dominant person reacts actively, extroverted, aggressive and with active muscle tension, s/he tenses unconsciously trunk and back muscles. S/he walks with an erect posture. Many people tend toward increased alcohol consumption, because they found out, that in times of stress and anxiety, alcohol relaxes and calms. Within a short time this can lead to addiction. The born sympathetic dominant person can outwardly be turned into a parasympathetic dominant person through coercion or failure.

The parasympathetic dominant Person is usually a right brain type.

Outwardly this type of person appears as very calm, showing no emotions at all. Inner conflicts create symptoms typical for this type: stomach or intestinal problems, in some cases headaches (because of reduced blood pressure and reduced circulation in the brain). Because of reduced activity in the brain, problems with concentration are common. Dizzyness, fatigue or fainting are also common. Relaxation training in any form (i.e. autogenic training) should be avoided, because people would get even more lethargic or even depressive. This type of person should become much more active (action vacations, horseback riding, intensive gardening, etc.), even if it is against their nature.

The parasympathetic dominant person reacts passively, introverted, depressive and with passive muscle reflexes. Unconsciously s/he tenses neck, shoulders, arm and leg muscles and walks through life with a hunched posture.

Helpful animals for this type are dogs, which like to be active or any animals that intices one into activity.

The labeling of one type or the other should not be considered as absolute, but should only signify tendencies. A symphatetic dominant person can sometimes react like a parasympathetic dominant one and vice versa. In practice the leaning is always in one direction. What this means is, that a person does not mobilize the full mental or physical potential. The symptoms that were described are usually extremes. But they exemplify the tendencies. Not all symptoms will apply to yourself. In normal life a mixture of symptoms might be more common. Nonetheless in describing the tendencies, it should become obvious that people react differently when under stress.


© Eterna Management S.L. 2004
by CABAN Sebastian
The IPN does not sell any products or seminars. Eterna Management S.L., a member of the IPN, produces and sells all products and seminars listed on this homepage. Eterna doeas not sell any medicament.