Homepage of the International PcE®Network™ / Eterna
URL: http://www.ipn.at
Training possibilities with the PcE-Trainer
a short introduction into different training methods
   1.    Individual Structure Test (Online-Test)
 determine the proper training adapted to your individual structure
   2.    Focused Activation of Brain Function
 bring more energy into your brain
   3.    The Training of the Thyroid
 activate and deactivate your thyroid
   4.    The fundamental Relaxation Training
 relax your brain with biofeedback
   5.    Feel your Finger Pulse
 make body contact with inner body functions
   6.    The Hand Energy Training
 control your hand energy
© Eterna Management S.L. 2004
by CABAN Sebastian
The IPN does not sell any products or seminars. Eterna Management S.L., a member of the IPN, produces and sells all products and seminars listed on this homepage. Eterna doeas not sell any medicament.