Homepage of the International PcE®Network™ / Eterna
URL: http://www.ipn.at
Pc-Muscle Conditioning
The slow and fast PcE Exercise

When you have strenghtened your Pc-muscle through a few weeks of regular practice of the preliminary Pc-exercise, you can incorporate the "Power-Exercise" into the PcE-training program (following the six runic exercises).

Part I: Slow Power-Exercise

Sit down in a chair. Be sure that your spine is perfectly erect to ensure the free flow of energy. Close your eyes and focus them on a point between your eyebrows without twinkling or frowning. Your tongue rests gently on the palate. This posture should be maintained throughout the whole exercise. If at any time during the exercise your eyes begin to wander or your tongue no longer touches the palate, don't worry, just gently but firmly correct your position. Now contract your Pc-muscle while counting till 10. At the same time inhale slowly. When your lungs are full, retain your breath and keep the contraction until you have finished counting. Then exhale and release the Pc-muscle. When your lungs are empty, wait until you have finished counting till 10 before you start with the next contraction and inhalation. A complete, deliberate release of tension is imperative. Otherwise the next inhalation would release only little energy. Each relaxation regenerates your vital dynamo. Repeat this sequence 20 to 30 times. With practice your Pc-muscle gets stronger and you need fewer rounds in order to raise sufficient energy up to the brain.

Part II: Fast Power-Exercise

The second part of the "Power-Exercise" closes the PcE-training program and should be performed immediately after Part I, without any pause. Start from the same posture as for the Slow Power-Exercise, controlling the position of your eyes and your tongue. Now contract your Pc-muscle rapidly while you inhale through your nose. Both the contraction and the inhalation should not take more than one or two seconds. Go on without any pause, release your Pc-muscle and exhale forcibly through the nose, again within one or two seconds at the most. You should repeat this sequence of rapid contractions in combination with forced inhalations and exhalations at least 30 times. Advanced PcE-practicians can do up to 60 rounds of the Fast Power-Exercise.


© Eterna Management S.L. 2004
by CABAN Sebastian
The IPN does not sell any products or seminars. Eterna Management S.L., a member of the IPN, produces and sells all products and seminars listed on this homepage. Eterna doeas not sell any medicament.