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The Pc-Muscle
Structure, Location, Function, Effect on the Body

The Pc-Muscle consists of three layers. It surrounds the vagina, or the veines returning blood from the penis. The illustration shows the location of the Pc-Muscle. It stretches roughly from the pubis to the anus. In animals, the muscle also causes the tail to wiggle. In humans, the Pc-Muscle supports surrounding inner organs and prevents them from subsiding. It is roughly 2-3 cm (about 1 inch) from the skin surface. The muscle is mainly controlled by the pudendus nerve, regulating sexual activities and controls the anus, sends and receives signals from the brain.

At the same time there is a nerve connection between the pelvis and the Pc-Muscle. Another branch of this nerve connects the uterus and the bladder in women, the bladder and prostrate to the lower section of the spine in men. If the Pc-Muscle is strong, it is the greatest source of life energy, truly a power house. The tightening of the muscle stimulates the prostrate in men and the uterus in women. This releases hormones and endrophines, causing a feeling of elation or ecstasy. Fortunately, like any other muscle in the body, the Pc-Muscle can be conditioned through proper exercise. If the muscle is not being utilized through regular sexual activity or focused exercise, the muscle will atrophy and will become weaker. If somebody is without a sexual partner for long, it can happen that the Pc-Muscle has to be reactivated. The PC-Muscle training will help in this regard. The muscle will also weaken due to poor posture, where the pelvis is pushed forward in a sitting or standing position, or when walking. Blood supply is cut off or reduced. After giving birth, women can also have difficulties with a weak Pc-Muscle and this can cause sexual problems and can lead to depression and tiredness. No cause for alarm, the sexual desire and mental power will return after you have done the Pc exercises for a while.

So we can recognize, that sexual energy and life energy are interrelated, the force that shapes our lives. The Pc-Muscle is a most powerful source of energy in our body, participating in the highest act of creation, that humans are capable of. The energy that creates life is also the energy that sustains life.

To utilize and develop this energy is a clear choice in a modern system of exercise. Do not forget: this energy comes from our pelvic area, strongly connected with our sexuality, which for most is a forbidden topic. Other cultures and religions feel differently about this. The indian system of yoga always regarded sexual energy as a sacred life energy (Kundalini), once awakened, rises along the spine into the brain. This was discovered and practised thousands of years ago, and today the system of tantra and kundalini yoga are witnesses to that knowledge.


© Eterna Management S.L. 2004
by CABAN Sebastian
The IPN does not sell any products or seminars. Eterna Management S.L., a member of the IPN, produces and sells all products and seminars listed on this homepage. Eterna doeas not sell any medicament.