Homepage of the International PcE®Network™ / Eterna
URL: http://www.ipn.at
PcE-training, facts and figures:
Overview, Implementation, detailed Background Information

The Pc-Muscle (pubococcygeus-muscle) is located in the lower pelvis between the pubis and the anus, supports the inner organs and prevents them from subsiding. The muscle is controlled by the pudendus nerve, which also registers the activities of the sex organs and the anus, sends the signals to the brain and receives signals from it. 

If the Pc-Muscle is strong, it becomes the greatest source of energy, truly a power house for the individual.

   1.    Overview of the PcE Training
 How you exercise with the PcE-Trainer
   2.    The Pc-Muscle
 Structure, Location, Function, Effect on the Body
   3.    Pc-Muscle Conditioning
 The slow and fast PcE Exercise
   4.    The proper Conclusion of the PcE Exercises
 Remain seated for a while, do not rush anything
   5.    The correct Training
 Execution, Evaluation, Tips, Repetitions
© Eterna Management S.L. 2004
by CABAN Sebastian
The IPN does not sell any products or seminars. Eterna Management S.L., a member of the IPN, produces and sells all products and seminars listed on this homepage. Eterna doeas not sell any medicament.