Homepage of the International PcE®Network™ / Eterna
URL: http://www.ipn.at
Exercise 6: posture of the "W"

To perform the last of the runic exercises bend your arms, put them in front of your body, place your hands at a level with the lower part of your face, with the palms facing each other at a distance of about 35 to 40 cm. Along with a vigorous exhalation through the nose move your right arm and the edge of your right hand abruptly to the side, so that they end up in a straight horizontal position. Parallel to an equally strong and rapid inhalation through the nose you return your arm back to its original position. Then perform the same movements and breathing sequence with your left arm, until you have carried it out ten times with each hand.

You should increase the number of rounds by one breath each day until you reach the ideal quantity of 30 breaths per exercise. The six runic exercises can easily be adapted to suit persons having individual physical problems. If anybody finds it difficult to perform the exercises in a standing position, he or she should practice it whilst sitting on a chair, keeping the spine straight.

The Pc-training - preliminary exercise:

Sit down on a chair or on a cushion with your spine perfectly erect. Contract the Pc-muscle for about three seconds. You can do this by contracting the sphincter muscle around the perineum and the anus. If you do it correctly, you get a feeling as if the floor of the pelvis is drawn upwards. Inhale smoothly while contracting the Pc-muscle. Afterwards you exhale and relax the Pc-muscle completely for as long as you had contracted it. If you feel that three seconds of contraction are too long for you at the beginning, start with one or two seconds. Increase the time of contraction and following relaxation of the Pc-muscle gradually, until you can keep it for ten seconds each. First repeat this sequence ten times, later you can extend your training sessions, but do not practice for more than five minutes at a time. After a few weeks of training you can add a second round of Pc-muscle exercises, but this time try to contract your Pc-muscle ten times in rapid successions. Make a pause of at least one minute before you repeat the first part of the Pc-muscle-activation exercise: 10 times of Pc-muscle contraction while counting from 1 to 10, each followed by an equally long and deliberate relaxation. After 5 minutes of training and another pause of one minute add 10 more rapid Pc-muscle contractions. Repeat the complete round of exercises a third and last time. With each day of practice your Pc-muscle will get stronger and your awareness of whether it is contracted or not will improve. Some men may feel a light twinge in the pelvis. There is nothing to worry about, it is just an indication that the Pc-muscle starts to react.


© Eterna Management S.L. 2004
by CABAN Sebastian
The IPN does not sell any products or seminars. Eterna Management S.L., a member of the IPN, produces and sells all products and seminars listed on this homepage. Eterna doeas not sell any medicament.