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Vitality Factor
Brain Test
 Mainmenu > The PcE-Trainer > Application > Improve Your Immune System
PcE-Energy Training
for general increase in energy

This training is for people that are left brain hemisphere dominant or are balanced (otherwise activate your left hemisphere).

Perform the PcE-Training in order to charge your brain with plenty of energy by conditioning the lower pelvic muscle.

    It is the aim of your Training to condition the Pc-Muscle such that you get readings with minus values as large as possible.

As a result of the PcE-Training the energy level will increase and the two brain hemispheres will balance automatically (left and right readings will be nearly equal). This will improve the immune function.

   1.    PcE-Training with the PcE-Trainer
 increase brain activity with PcE-Training
Next: Directed Activation of the Left Brain
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by CABAN Sebastian
The IPN does not sell any products or seminars. Eterna Management S.L., a member of the IPN, produces and sells all products and seminars listed on this homepage. Eterna doeas not sell any medicament.