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Brain Test
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Brain Dominance Test (Online-Test)
test your brain dominance

If you carry out the following on-line test, you can easily and quickly determine what your brain dominance is, i.e. right or left brain oriented. Try to answer the questions as honestly with yourself as possible (do not anticipate or guess what might be the right answer) and you will be rewarded with tips about unwanted attitudes weakening your immune system, which you can eliminate with proper training.

The 28 questions relate to present attitudes and interests. Some questions might be too personal for you, but remember that the test and its answers are anonymous.

In order to achieve optimum test results, do not spend much time thinking about the answers. Give the answer that first comes to mind. Answer honestly with yourself as much as possible with what applies to you presently. Do not try to give a good impression to somebody else (nobody sees your answers), because you would only cheat yourself!

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by CABAN Sebastian
The IPN does not sell any products or seminars. Eterna Management S.L., a member of the IPN, produces and sells all products and seminars listed on this homepage. Eterna doeas not sell any medicament.